Social Work

Social Work

Social Work

Social Work

Social Work


Social Work


On the occasion of the World Day of Social Work and under the slogan “Promoting the importance of human relations” from the College of Social Work of Catalonia we commissioned a video to represent the values of the profession.

Taking images of hands as elements that symbolize work and relationships, we developed different illustrated scenes that were representatives of all these values. 

Social Work


On the occasion of the World Day of Social Work and under the slogan “Promoting the importance of human relations” from the College of Social Work of Catalonia we commissioned a video to represent the values of the profession.

Taking images of hands as elements that symbolize work and relationships, we developed different illustrated scenes that were representatives of all these values. 

Social Work


On the occasion of the World Day of Social Work and under the slogan “Promoting the importance of human relations” from the College of Social Work of Catalonia we commissioned a video to represent the values of the profession.

Taking images of hands as elements that symbolize work and relationships, we developed different illustrated scenes that were representatives of all these values. 

Social Work


On the occasion of the World Day of Social Work and under the slogan “Promoting the importance of human relations” from the College of Social Work of Catalonia we commissioned a video to represent the values of the profession.

Taking images of hands as elements that symbolize work and relationships, we developed different illustrated scenes that were representatives of all these values. 

Social Work


On the occasion of the World Day of Social Work and under the slogan “Promoting the importance of human relations” from the College of Social Work of Catalonia we commissioned a video to represent the values of the profession.

Taking images of hands as elements that symbolize work and relationships, we developed different illustrated scenes that were representatives of all these values. 

stories move us

stories move us