Barcelona Activa


Barcelona Activa

Vam realitzar aquest vídeo sobre els Coaching laborals per a joves de Barcelona Activa per a un concurs. Finalment no es va arribar a publicar, però ens va agradar tant el resultat que no hem volgut perdre l’oportunitat de mostrar-lo al costat d’altres projectes.
Pel seu dinamisme, per la combinació de text, veu i il·lustracions...i perquè vam trigar menys de dos dies en pensar-lo i fer-lo, creiem que havia de veure la llum.



European Comission

LEA is a European public procurement project for education projectes that involve technological innovation.

We had to explain in a clear and simple way the phases of this procurement proces to people who may not be familiar with the subject. That is why we worked on a simplification and synthesis of the content and a visual and understandable graphic support. And we got it right, because the result was a success!


European Comission

LEA is a European public procurement project for education projectes that involve technological innovation.

We had to explain in a clear and simple way the phases of this procurement proces to people who may not be familiar with the subject. That is why we worked on a simplification and synthesis of the content and a visual and understandable graphic support. And we got it right, because the result was a success!



European Comission

LEA is a European public procurement project for education projectes that involve technological innovation.

We had to explain in a clear and simple way the phases of this procurement proces to people who may not be familiar with the subject. That is why we worked on a simplification and synthesis of the content and a visual and understandable graphic support. And we got it right, because the result was a success!



European Comission

LEA is a European public procurement project for education projectes that involve technological innovation.

We had to explain in a clear and simple way the phases of this procurement proces to people who may not be familiar with the subject. That is why we worked on a simplification and synthesis of the content and a visual and understandable graphic support. And we got it right, because the result was a success!


stories move us

stories move us